"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.
It is the source of all true art and science."
- A. Einstein

Sjors Heefer

• Information

I am a lecturer at the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at Eindhoven University of Technology. Besides teaching, I do research in differential geometry and relativity theory. My main research interests are (pseudo-)Finsler geometry, its application to modified theories of gravity, and its relation to (semi-classical limits of) quantum gravity theories. I'm a member of the COST action on quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach. My publications and preprints can be found here.

I'm also a pianist, bookable for various kinds of occasions. In particular, I'm the pianist and band leader of Gospel/Pop Choir Spirit. More information can be found here.

• Professional Profiles

Eindhoven University of Technology
Google Scholar


Email: s dot j dot lastname at tue dot nl

© 2017 Sjors Heefer

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